I’m grateful to have met you. A year and a half ago they saved me from my migraine pains and my pains from two cervical hernias. Quality products, and always available to my queries at any time. I highly recommend it.
Marianela Marra
Agraeixo haver-los conegut. Fa un any i mig em salven dels meus dolors de migranya i dels meus dolors per dues hèrnies cervicals. Productes de qualitat, i sempre disponibles a les meves consultes a qualsevol hora. Ho recomano sens dubte.
Marianela Marra
Grandes profesionales médicos dedicados a compartir valiosa información sobre cómo el Cannabis puede ayudar a pacientes a mejorar su salud y su calidad de vida. A mí, el CBD me ayuda a diario, a paliar los síntomas de mi ciática y dolores crónicos, pregunta a los chicos y chicas de #MEDCAN, que seguro te atenderán igual de bien que a mí.
Carlos González
Muchas gracias por vuestra atención. Como podéis imaginar estamos adaptándonos a la vida sin nuestra madre. Paso a paso pero bien, gracias a vuestra ayuda sus últimos días fueron mucho mejores ¡No podríamos estar más agradecidos!
Hector & Bibiana
Great medical professionals dedicated to sharing valuable information on how Cannabis can help patients improve their health and quality of life. For me, CBD helps me every day, to alleviate the symptoms of my sciatica and chronic pain, he asks the boys and girls of #MEDCAN, who are sure to take care of you as well as me.
Carlos González
We are very grateful for your assistance and the good work that helped to improve the general state of our mother in such delicate moments of her illness. Thanks to the cannabis oil from your clinic, she stopped being dizzy and was able to take some food.
Roura Serra Family
I’ve been with them for years and the truth couldn’t be more grateful! They always treat me great, they advise me very well when I have a question and I know I can contact them quickly. Actually, my pains have subsided and I can sleep better at night, that’s a great relief for me! :)
Sara Muntadas
Gran professionalitat, experiència i serietat tant Josep Anton com Bryan. Molt bon tracte ajudant a resoldre dubtes i fent seguiment durant tot el tractament. Productes de gran qualitat. M'han ajudat molt en el tractament per al dolor i altres patologies gràcies a ells els meus problemes s'han reduït. Recomanable 100%. Gràcies per tot!!!!
Cèlia Nebot